Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Tuna cobbler

No posts for a few days - we've all had a terrible tummy bug so food has really not been on my mind!

Kids: soaked oat porridge
Me: Fruit kefir smoothie

Fried egg and chips. Still not quite back to healthy eating....

Tuna cobbler with broad beans and peas

Tuna cobbler
Savoury scones - probably 2 per person depending on appetite
Tinned tuna
White sauce

Pour the white sauce over the (drained) tuna and top with the scones! This is a comfort food from my youth - my mum used to make it a lot.

White sauce
1 oz butter
1 oz plain flour
1 pt milk

Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Add the flour and stir until it is all combined. Cook for a moment or two over a gentle heat. Add the milk very slowly, a splash at a time, stirring it all in before adding the next splash. When all the milk is added, bring to the boil and simmer gently, stirring for a few more minutes so that the flour is cooked through.

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