Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Soaked oat porridge, cottage pie


For me - surprise - another smoothie!
For the kids - soaked oat porridge

Soaked oat porridge
Serves three small children with big appetites
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
2 tbsp yogurt/whey/kefir etc or 2 tsp vinegar/lemon juice
1 tbsp freshly ground wheat (optional)
Milk or water

Mix the first three ingredients together with enough water to slightly cover the oats. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place overnight.
Put the oat mixture in a pan and add milk or water. How much depends on how thick you like the porridge, but add enough to cover the oats. Heat through, stirring until the oats are cooked (only takes a minute or two). My kids love this with a little cold milk poured over the top and some maple syrup.


A salad made with veg from the garden, a tin of tuna, some sauerkraut and sauerrueben and blue cheese dressing.

Blue cheese dressing
This comes from nourishing traditions
Makes 1 cup
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp plus 1 tsp raw vinegar
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp expeller pressed flax oil
2-4 tbsp blue cheese

Pulse ingredients in a food processor until well combined. You could also mash the cheese in with a fork but this takes ages - worth washing the food processor for!


Cottage pie

500 g beef mince
2 carrots, chopped
1-2 tbsp cooking oil
1 onion chopped
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 cup beef stock
4 medium potatoes, cooked and mashed with butter and milk
Grated cheese and sesame seeds (optional)

Fry the onion in the oil until translucent. Add the beef and brown. Add the carrots, tomatoes and stock and simmer until reduced to a thick sauce.
Place meat into a casserole dish and top with the mashed potatoes. Use a fork to mark the top into lines (helps it go crispier) and add cheese and sesame seeds, if using.
Cook at gas mark 6 for about 45 minutes, until the cheese is golden and crispy. Alternatively if you are in a hurry you can eat it as is, or brown the top under the grill - though this doesn't give the same crispiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the porridge recipe! It's just what I was looking for...