Monday, 16 June 2008

Fruit smoothie, leftovers


For the kids - breakfast cake defrosted overnight and warmed under the grill
For me - Fruit smoothie

Fruit smoothie

Another one from eat fat lose fat

1 cup yogurt
1 cup fruit
1 tbsp maple syrup (I used a banana instead)
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp melted coconut oil

Blend the fruit into a puree and add the yogurt and yolks and blend again to combine. Pour the coconut oil in slowly through the liquids funnel thing with the blender on.


Cheese omelet and salad


Leftovers. I reheated yesterdays gravy and poured it over chopped leftover pork. I served this with peas, sweetcorn and bubble and squeak cakes.

Bubble and squeak cakes

Cold mashed potatoes
Cooked cabbage
A little flour
Cooking fat (I used lard)

Mix together the potato and chopped cabbage and season. Sprinkle in about a tablespoon of flour and stir through. Form into cake shapes and fry in the fat until browned on the outside.

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