Sunday, 10 May 2009

Coconut jellies

I made a couple of different jellies for pudding last night and all have been very popular with the kids. I wasn't keen on the chocolate one but it disappeared super fast and my eldest declared it great. I think next time I will try it with melted chocolate and almond milk.

Raspberry coconut jelly
1 tin coconut milk
3 tbsp sugar/sweetener (I used coconut sugar and I bet maple syrup would be great)
1 sachet (10g) unflavoured gelatin
1 cup raspberries (I used some blue berries too)

Heat the coconut milk in a saucepan. Add the gelatin and whisk in until dissolved (don't let the mixture boil). Take off the heat and allow to cool slightly. Puree half the berries. Mix the sugar into the milk and then fold in all the berries. Put into glasses or bowls and chill until set.

I got this recipe from here and it uses lime oil and zest which sounds great.

Chocolate jelly
1 tin coconut milk
1 sachet gelatin
3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder

Heat the coconut milk in the saucepan and whisk in the gelatin (as above don't boil!). Allow to cool slightly and then whisk in the sugar and cocoa powder. Put into bowls or glasses and chill until set.

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